

19.12.2024 PR ECTAA and ACAVe welcome the adoption of a common approach in the revision of the Package Travel Directive

13.12.2024 PR ACAVe expects another successful Christmas season for the online travel agency sector in 2023

09.12.2024 PR Airline bankruptcy protection is the focus of the debate on passenger rights reform

28.11.2024 PR ACAVe demands that the Ministry of the Interior and the Conselleria de Interior of the Generalitat de Catalunya eliminate the duality of platforms for data communication in Royal Decree 933/2021

28.11.2024 PR The new regulatory developments that are underway impose more burdens on the tourism sector, harm consumers and threaten the future of the industry, according to the conclusions of the first State Forum on Law Tourist

27.11.2024 PR ACAVe, FETAVE and UNAV consider that the implementation of the RD will constitute a violation of the protection of personal data and that the announced Ministerial Order will not correct it

18.11.2024 PR FETAVE, ACAVe and UNAV denounce the lack of response from the Government, which ignores the mandate of the majority of Congress

05.11.2024 PR The first State Forum on Tourism Law will focus on RD 933/2021, the use of AI and cybersecurity

24.10.2024 PR ACAVe, FETAVe and UNAV appreciate the support of the plenary session of Congress and send the Minister of the Interior a letter urgently requesting a new extension to be able to negotiate the exclusion of travel agencies from the Royal Decree

21.10.2024 PR ACAVe, FETAVE and UNAV continue with their awareness campaign on the effects of RD 933/2021 and meet with the PP hours before it announces the presentation in Congress of a proposal for the revision of the rule

14.10.2024 PR ACAVe and UNAV, reference associations of travel agencies, and the Lawyers Association organize the First State Conference on Tourism Law

08.10.2024 PR Open letter to the sector: Royal Decree 933/2021

04.10.2024 PR ACAVE, FETAVE and UNAV will start an information campaign to mobilize the agency sector and public opinion on the impact of RD 933/2021

26.09.2024 PR XXIV ACAVe Forum

26.09.2024 PR Summer review and autumn 2024 forecasts (XXIV Forum)

23.09.2024 PR ACAVE, FETAVE and UNAV celebrate the postponement of the entry into force of RD 933/2021

20.09.2024 PR CEOE supports the demands of ACAVE, FETAVE and UNAV and requests the suspension of the entry into force of RD 933/2021

30.07.2024 PR Unity of the sector in the face of the negative effects of RD 933/2021

10.07.2024 PR Travel Agencies warn of a risk of collapse of their human administrative resources in the face of the imminent entry into force of RD 933/2021PR Travel Agencies warn of a risk of collapse of their human administrative resources in the face of the imminent entry into force of RD 933/2021

27.06.2024 PR ACAVe celebrates the Soci Night 

20.06.2024 PR summer forecasts 2024 

30.05.2024 Press Release Course AI

20.03.2024 Press Release Forecast 2024

25.01.2024 Press Release Season Forecast 2024


19.01.2023 Season Forecasts 2023

21.12.2022 Royal Decree 933/2021

14.12.2022 Christmas and New Year Forecasts and Balance 2022

16.11.2022 ACAVe Travel Market Barcelona, 16.11.2022

09.11.2022 ACAVe Travel Market Sevilla, 09.11.2022

02.11.2022 ACAVe Travel Market Valencia, 02.11.2022

26.10.2022 ACAVe Travel Market Bilbao, 26.10.2022

29.09.2022 XXII ACAVe FORUM

05.09.2022 XXII Foro ACAVe_Transformando el turismo, transformando el futuro (Palau de Pedralbes, 29 septiembre 2022)

30.06.2022 ACAVe celebrate his Member´s Night 2022

22.06.2022 ACAVe Summer travel forecast 2022

07.06.2022 ACAVe Decalogue TTOO, 07.06.2022

03.06.2022 ACAVe Appearance of the President in the Parliament of Catalonia, 03.06.2022

01.06.2022 ACAVe Travel Market Barcelona, 01.06.2022

25.05.2022 ACAVe Travel Market Valencia, 25.05.2022

22.05.2022 ACAVe. La Palma - Travel and board of directors

18.05.2022 ACAVe Travel Market Malaga, 18.05.2022

11.05.2022 ACAVe Travel Market Palma de Mallorca 11.05.2022

27.04.2022 Tourism recovery assessment survey and summer forescasts

06.04.2022 ACAVe Travel Market A Coruña 06.04.2022

01.04.2022 ACAVe Travel Market Especial B-Travel 01.04.2022

30.03.2022 Easter Travel Forecasts 2022

24.03.2022 ACAVe Travel Market Bilbao, 23.03.2022

17.03.2022 ACAVe Travel Market Sevilla, 16.03.2022

11.03.2022 ACAVe meets with the Ministery of Inclusión and Seguridad Social

10.03.2022 ACAVe Travel Market Barcelona 09.03.2022

01.03.2022 Assessment of the new law 4/2022

17.02.2022 ERTE's Assessments

20.01.2022 FITUR 2022

13:01.2022 Agreement ACAVE and Beroni


02.02.2021 ACAVe reclama al Gobierno español la creación de un fondo para el reembolso de los bonos emitidos por la cancelación de viajes

18.02.2021 ACAVe reclama ayudas directas para las agencias de viajes y la creación de un fondo de reembolso de los bonos de viajes combinados

25.02.2021 NDP ACAVE - ECTAA - Manifiesto del sector turístico europeo para la reactivación segura de la actividad

26.02.2021 ACAVe Denuncia por intrusismo a las empresas que vendían PCR Negativos falsos a clientes que querian viajar

01.03.2021 Campaña promocional European Tourism Manifesto video

05.03.2021 ACAVe Travel Market Tour 2021 recorre 11 ciudades españolas

08.03.2021 Nota de prensa. La investigación a las compañías aéreas por las prácticas de cancelación debería acelerarse

16.03.2021 Nota de prensa. Encuesta sobre la realidad de la agencias de viajes un año después del inicio de la pandemia

07.04.2021 Nota de prensa. ACAVe prepara acciones frente a Ryanair por aentar contra el honor de las agencias de viajes

27.04.2021 Comparecencia de nuestro Presidente Martí Sarrate en el Congreso de los Diputados

14.05.2021 Entrevista a nuestro Presidente Martí Sarrate en Catalunya Radio

19.05.2021 Perspectivas de la reactivación del sector y Campaña #conmiagenciaviajoseguro

15.06.2021 ACAVe recibe el PREMIO ESPECIAL ALIMARA por su defensa del sector durante la pandemia

23.07.2021 ACAVE pide a la Agencia Catalana de Consumo una modificación urgente de su campaña publicitaria por la confusión que está provocando

02.09.2021 ACAVe presenta una querella contra Ryanair por atentar contra el honor de las agencias de viajes


08.10.2021 Nota prensa XXI Foro de ACAVe

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